25 Apr

2015 & Covid-19

a disaster expected and unexpected…

Gorkha Earthquake 2015: 11.55AM, Saturday’ 25 April 2015, the exact time when the this, never forgetting disaster struck to Nepal with a an epicenter, not far from Kathmandu. It was 7.8 Richter scale Earthquake that hit and devastated the country in no time. It was felt violently throughout the country  but severely hit area were Kathmandu and surrounding districts including Gorkha itself. This day will be remembered as the black day in Nepali history. It was not just that but when people were just coming out of the fear and standing, another earthquake hits again, on May 12, 2015 pulling down the all the leftover well shaken structures and hills, pushing people back to the ground for many days, in fact many months. We lost some 13000 people and many people became crippled. Another blow of this disaster was the age old, historic heritage and monuments, that were destroyed, leaving no such sign in some places,  that we could claim was culturally and historically rich. That was the transformation in no time. So nobody will forget that, was said Nepal is experiencing the major Earthquake in every 90 years of time. This was the major after 1936 one.

Remembering this day, we pay homage to those people and being that lost their life that time. May they be always in peace and remembered.

Blockade: Then the blockade hits the country Nepal, just after the earthquake, that was emotional and physically damaging and did hurt our economy but we survived!

COVID-19: And now, this global crises created by this virus named as COVID-19 ( a microbes- a Novel Coronavirus) is shattering the world peace by peace. It is very global as it is effected in almost every country in the world, that is rich or poor. There, still seems so much of speculation, as nobody still seems, has no clue, what exactly is this virus and, what can be used to treat!

Well, it’s a matter of time and hopefully , it will become clear and world will have its cure and know how to deal with it precisely.

Most of the countries are in lockdown and it seems most of the country are still struggling to deal with the virus, though some has already experienced and dealt well, even we are not sure when this is going to be over.

We, in Nepal as most of the world is keen to get out of this quagmire soon. Country like Nepal and many other countries can not afford to to go on like this as it has already damaged lot on our economy and people are already finding extremely hard to go on, sustain, unless they go back to their farms and work hard, that may be not possible for everyone.

However, we have to stand this, world will stand this. Has to one or other way! We all know that this virus spread from one person to another, so social distance, staying home, avoiding all the normal routine, will breaks the chain of the spreads and eventually the virus will be out. We all just need to stay calm and try to stay healthy. Good health is the one of the best thing in our life. We have good health and survive, we can earn any thing in our life. So staying together, connected even in social distance and helps each other and country to deal this virus. People even got cured without any medication too.

It is as simple as that!

And we must be very very grateful to those people, who are in service and health sector, police and army that are working very hard even risking their life. They are the real heros. We can not thank enough for, what they done and are doing.

Way forward: This crisis is a great lesson for human being. This is very clear, that is the result of how we have been interacting with the nature, Earth, mostly with and for the human greed. As they say, nature can produce enough for everyone on this planet but never enough for the one’s greed. This is so true! So we must be more respectful to nature and our environments, aligning with the nature, not against it.We as a world has to change the way!

We all will have time to get out and explore latter for sure but now we have to be very careful to look after ourselves and family.

#Stayhomewithfamily #socialdistance #breakthechain #wearetogether


Best wishes to the world and us from Nature Trek, Nepal!

Dream Now, visit and Explore Later!

See you soon!

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